will promote your VIDEO on my youtube channel with over 5000 subscribers
For each order above $14you'll get for free a pdf file with tips and tricks to improve your YoǔTube channel!
I have more than 5000 subscribers, so if you want I can promote your videos on my channel, business, gaming or other.
For $14 I will send a message to all my sǔbscribers with your one video link.
If you want more subscribērs and more views on your channel, I suggest that you order "Maximize traffic by sending more messages to my subscribers" OR "add your channel to my "friends" selection for 1 month to get you more sǔbscribers"
For totally maximizing views I can feature your video on my channel front page, with this promotion your video can get from 10-20k views.
Please don't forget to check out my service extras because you can get great exposure of your video and your channel!
Check out my service Extras
Seller: musicpromo14
Tags: Youtube Promote Subscribers Views Likes
Created: Tue, 26 Jan 2016
Updated: Mon, 01 Feb 2016
Rating: 0 (0)
Views: 1068
Order URL: http://gigclerk.com/seoclerks/424861/promote-your-video-on-my-youtube-channel-with-over-5000-subscribers
Direct Service Order: http://a.sclrk.com/linkin/161450/order_signup?id=424861